Conference Registration System

The primary feature of our ConferenceLeap offering, the Online Conference Registration System allows attendees to register and pay fees online for an upcoming conference.  Whether you are organizing a small meeting or a major convention, ConferenceLeap can make event management easier.

  • Attendee Management- As people register for your conference(s), you can track which packages they signed up for, and whether they have paid or not.  If registrants call-in or mail-in registrations, you can manually enter them.  As changes are phoned in, you can easily find attendees and add/change/delete them or the options they have chosen.
  • Online Payments - ConferenceLeap does not lock you into working with a specific payment gateway,  it is built to work with several dozen different gateways.  Contact us to verify we support yours.  Or, if you do no already have one, we can work with you to set up a gateway for online payment.  
  • Conference Packages - Packages are the base prices you offer for a conference.  They can be members-only, guest-only, or both.  Some packages can be made available only to specific membership types.  Early registration discounts can be set up by  offer differently priced packages. For example, early-bird packages can be set up with a discount. Packages can also be for the general public or for members-only.  You can also make packages only available for specific types of members of your organization.
  • Discount Codes - Using discount codes, you can offer discounts to members, participants from prior years, vendors, speakers; whatever you feel would be appropriate. 
  • Cut-off Dates - Need to implement deadlines?  This features allows for online registration to be halted at a specified date. 
  • Administrative Data- For behind-the-scenes use, you can set up custom fields to store information about registrants.
  • Members Only Options - Restricting conference registration to members only (the whole event, or just certain options) is a feature that ConferenceLeap offers.  There are several mechanisms that we can use to determine who is/isn't a member, contact us about details. 
  • Account Receivable Tools - Although you may require payment at the time of registration, some associations will allow for payment at the event.  In the case you do this, you may need to follow up with registrant so collect.  Tools are included to make this process easier, to track who has paid, and to easily send fee-notification emails to open accounts.  
  • Customized Fields - Complex registration forms can be implemented by adding and arranging different fields - checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-downs, text entry, multi-line text entry.  Any information you want to collect, we can assist you n getting your registration set up.  
  • Dependent Fields - Using dependent fields, you can ask questions and collect different pieces of information based on what a registrant chooses.  For example, if they choose an exhibitor package, perhaps you then will want to ask what size booth they want.
  • Banquet/Table Registration - Frequently used for banquets, this allows your association to offer full or partial table registration packages.
  • Abstract Management System - In the months leading up to the conference, this is a great way to allow potential presenters to submit their proposed papers/roundtables/presentations/workshops.  It also allows for conducting the evaluation of these proposals using designated committees.  
  • Logos/Colors - Customize the colors and images to fit your association or event branding.  An even website is also typically included with your package.
  • Reporting Features - produce reports, breakouts session rosters, name badges, mailing labels, and more.
  • Data Export - attendee data can be exported to .CSV files for use elsewhere
  • Recurring Conferences - for monthly or other recurring events, our conference registration system can auto-copy the event information automatically; making ongoing signup management easier.
  • Copying – From year-to-year, your events may be very similar.  To make set-up easier, copy last years event, and just change what needs to be changed.
  • Conference Admin Access – If you have multiple event administrators, ConferenceLeap makes it easy to grant/revoke access to these individals.  Grant access to reporting only, or full access to manage event options.
  • Broadcast Messaging – To keep your registrants updated on the event, a broadcast email tool is included in the system. 
  • Surveys – After the event is over, find out how the attendees enjoyed themselves, how the presenters performed, if they plan to attend again, or ask any other question of your choosing.
  • SpeedSwipe Check-in - for smaller simpler events, this feature allows for swift check-in and payment at the check-in desk.  Contact us for a demonstration via gotomeeting.